Beetles of Africa :: The website for the Beetle Collector

Beetles ...

Welcome to Beetles of Africa.
My name is Colin R. Owen and I grew up on different mission stations in the old Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). On all these mission stations there was nothing else to do but to go around and study nature. My late father did not allow me as a little boy to catch spiders and snakes, though sometimes I did. One of the earliest beetle catching experiences I had, was when I was about seven. I had found a tree about three metres high that had beautiful big green Buprestids feeding on the leaves. I learned that if I ran up to the tree quickly and shook the tree hard, these beautiful beetles would fall to the ground and I would catch as many as I could carry in my little hands.
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How to find Beetles on this site ...

There are two ways to look at the collection.  If you know the name or the region of the Beetle you can use our "Search the Beetles" page (you can use the navigation on the left side of this page).  If you want to look at pictures that show the different families of Beetles and then browse the families, you can use the Family Catalog page to make your selection and order beetles.

The collection was last updated on 8th July 2024

Exciting News 

We are excited to inform you that we have sorted our stock and will be sending a news letter shortly. We have cut our prices drastically and are ready for business. We are aiming to add some new photos on a weekly basis. We are excited to hear from you

ID1130 Update: Amblyelanoplia mcleodi. Dombrow. Trichiini Family 

Dearest friends, It has been a while since I have updated my website. I have added a new addition to my collection. Caught by L. McLeod on November 9th 2014. Two Paratype specimens. From the Colin R Owen Collection. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your ongoing support and emails. Any suggestions and enquires are always welcome. Stay in touch now, will be back with a new update very soon. Thanking you Colin

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Beetles of Africa

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